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5 Steps to Facilitate Efficient Team Collaborations on Projects

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Photo Credit: R_F Studio | Pexels

Collaboration is essential to the effective coordination of projects. Architects and other players in the construction industry see better outcomes when they collaborate. Large projects would require that more hands are on deck – New ideas, diverse contributions, and perspectives will also be a welcome approach. However, working with a team has its loopholes and if not properly managed, they could impede the project or make collaboration more chaotic than helpful. This is why we have put together this simple guide to help facilitate efficient team collaborations as architects.

01. Understand Diverse Perspectives

Working with a team of professionals adds to the level of expertise that goes into a project. Asides from the design aspect, architects also collaborate with other professionals in the design and construction industry who will also have ideas concerning how the process should go. Understanding the uniqueness of individual perspectives that stem from the various areas of specialization will help the architect put things into consideration that otherwise could have been overlooked.

02. Communicate

Ideas are better understood when expressed, not everyone on your team would understand the direction of your design or see it the way you do. Therefore it is important to be a good communicator as an architect. Develop an effective system that communicates your ideas in simple and concise terms. Give room for questions and be ready to clear doubts which may arise.

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03. Review processes

It is important to review processes as the project progresses, knowing what worked and what did not work would ensure transparency and keep every team member accountable for aspects of the project assigned to them. It will also give your team an opportunity to rework techniques that were not effective and implement new methods to bring better outcomes.

04. Build a structure

Just like buildings, teams also need a structure – a working system to facilitate processes. Building a system would ensure that every team member has a clear understanding of their roles and can be given a reasonable amount of autonomy to perform assigned tasks which results in a smooth flow of work, the transmission of information, and a progressive work process that facilitate efficient team collaborations.

05. Bond

As much as the aim of team collaboration is to properly and efficiently execute a project, it is important to understand how human behaviour affects the flow of work. Design processes and implementations strongly depend on the ability of those who work together to cooperate, such that the project is not impeded based on conflicting situations. A team built upon transparency, trust, and relationships will be able to withstand the pressures which arise during the life-cycle of a project.

Working with a team is a huge aspect of being an architect, as a result, mastering key team concepts and structures would help improve your ability to work with others as well as give the advantage which comes with experiencing successful project deliveries and seeing outcomes that bring your ideas to life.

Let’s hear your thoughts, what do you like best about having an opportunity to collaborate with professionals in the field?


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