As Architects, we’re primarily focused on the big picture. Chronos Studeos’ interior designers, however, always keep in mind that even the smallest elements can have a major impact.
The humble door handle is usually little more than the design equivalent of a bridge, assisting our journey from one room to another.
For those with a love of all things quirky, however, there are numerous designs out there to ensure the door handle will not just be felt but also very much seen.
To coincide with our launch of a new Chronos Studeos Pinterest board celebrating the fun and funky door handles, here’s a selection of eye-catching designs which are far from humble. And as you can see, the first in our selection would possibly even generate a wry smile from a tough guy by the name of Bond… James Bond.
Now we wouldn’t normally propose getting close to a gun, but the only noise this door handle will generate is laughter when it’s first seen, followed by the inoffensive bang of the door closing behind.
Definitely, a perfect home accessory if your “name is Bond… James Bond.”
This design puts the hand in the handle and is undoubtedly fun when seen in the daylight…
… but don’t reach out for this if you’re home alone and you’ve just spent the evening watching Nightmare on Elm Street‘s Freddie Kruger!
A mythological creature in the form of a centaur is the inspiration for this door handle, depicting as it does half-man, half-horse.
This is the point we should display a strength of our own by avoiding the quip that this is a door handle to raise a smile from the NEIGHbours…! [Okay, so we are weak].
Image Credits – Martin Pierce
A permanently evolving and majestic feature of the world around us, nature daily inspires creative souls.
While this pair of symmetric handles are traditional in style, they’re a reminder that traditional doesn’t have to equate to dull.
Depicting the full length of a tree, from the leaves to the roots, this pair of handles beautifully sets off the intricate carpentry of the doors.
We’ve just seen examples of some of the quirkiest handles on the market. Perhaps the biggest selling designs, however, are those which conform to the standard shapes we all immediately associate with handles and door knobs.
But don’t for a second think this means round or square handles will add little or no pizazz to your home.
Out of The Blue design studio is celebrated for the dramatic and utterly fun designs their team always incorporate into their company’s range of handles and door knobs.
Whatever your chosen colour scheme or overall design, you can be sure there’s a corresponding set of handles which will look great in your home or office.
So, next time you find yourself reaching for a door handle, take a moment to recognise its importance in our daily lives, for as author Juhani Pallasmaa wrote in The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses:
“The door handle is the handshake of the building.”
so how do i get theses cool door handles….esp the one of nature and the hand??
Some of the door handles are here for sale
These door handles are out of this world and I want all of them. I got 6 doors in the house, I want to buy 6 of them.
These are some really interesting door handles. I honestly really like the door knobs that are inspired by nature, like the picture of the handles that look like a tree. I’m kind of interested to learn more about the different nature-like designs that have been made, especially if it’s design is incorporated with the overall door.