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4 Ways to Improve Your Bedroom Designs: Young Couples


A Crash Course on Bedroom Designs (Part 2)

In our previous blog post on Bedroom Designs, we introduced the concept of “owning your space” and focused on Master Bedroom designs. If you missed it, you can read the blog post here. Remember, these tips are applicable whether you’re working on a 3D vizualisation or an actual interior design project.  Today, we’ll take a quick look at four more user-specific or user-centered interior design tips for bedrooms, with our focus on the walls:

Young Couples

It’s never easy deciding on things when two different tastes and values come into the picture. So you like forest green but the Mrs. is more of a sky-blue/lavender person? Not a problem!

1. Go Neutral

Like we said in our previous post, your favourite colours don’t have to go up on all your walls. What you want to do is work with a palette of neutral colours, and pick out a few other colours that go well together and eliminate a dull look. For example, ivory is a beautiful colour that would go well with pretty much anything. An easy way to decide on what colours and patterns you would both be ‘okay’ with is to check out paint and fabric catalogues.

2. “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall”

If you have a really limited space, a huge investment would be a luxury mirror (you can save money by purchasing a really simple one with a unique frame design). A major advantage is that it effortlessly expands the space. To eliminate the need for a designated dressing area or table, maximize your closet/wardrobe space to store things you don’t use every day, jewellery, makeup etc. can be kept within reach on a wall-mounted shelf.

3. Child-Proof Your Space: Wall Stains

A lot of young couples share their sleeping spaces with their children (usually aged 0-3years), which really isn’t a big deal when you’re deciding on what works and what doesn’t. However, you might want to think more along the lines of durability as children like to run around with food-stained hands and draw on walls. A cost-effective option would be installing a heavily patterned (or plain dark) wallpaper on the bottom half of walls which are accessible to them (that is, not blocked by furniture etc). This is a win-win strategy because it can be easily updated.

4.Child-Proof Your Space: Storage Solutions

Your walls are also an effective storage space. Trendy shelves, beyond their reach of course, will help keep books, breakable objects and important files at a safe distance.

Thank you for sitting with us for the few minutes it has taken you to read this post. You can also read tips for Bachelors and Master Bedrooms here.  Do you have any questions, suggestions you think we missed? Do leave them in the comments section below.

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