Observing the workings of a 21st Century company it is not uncommon to wonder what makes some of them perform more exceptionally in their day to day activities than the companies who function by the rules of yesteryear by hiring a person because they need someone to:
In contrast, here at Chronos Studeos we all undertake our daily tasks because:
So, what are the top three secrets that combine to make a high performing team?
Whatever your profession and location – whether doctors and nurses in a hospital, or financiers in the city – your ultimate objective as a team should be to be the very best at what you do. It’s therefore crucial that each member of your team understands where you are heading and what needs to be done to get there. This is where the leadership skills of the man or woman in charge truly come into play, for good leadership results in a happy and productive team.
By ensuring that every member of the team is in synch with the message and figuratively rowing the boat in the same direction, success is assured.
Cristiano Ronaldo. Even if you’re not a Real Madrid fan, you’ll probably agree that he is very likely the greatest footballer of recent times.
When he first steps on the pitch, though, Ronaldo is ‘just another’ footballer. Without the vocal chords and sporting skills of his team mates, the man who is repeatedly declared World Footballer of The Year would be… well, just like the rest of us mere mortals!
You see, even when you are the world’s greatest and richest:
Communication is the key to success.
Whilst there can never be too much communication between teammates, there certainly can be too little.
If a colleague doesn’t communicate it can cause festering tensions and misunderstandings, not to mention a lack of progress. Great teams communicate all the time. They stay in touch with each other regarding projects and they don’t wait for a weekly or monthly meeting before updating team mates or offering their input about the latest projects, or discussing the aims and goals of the team.
If a member of a successful team has a problem they iron it out immediately and don’t let it fester and, ultimately, cause emotional turmoil and possibly even professional havoc.
Because communication is good amongst teammates, no one is left in the dark, and so another person can take over with little or no drama if a team mate needs back up.
Don’t expect to build trust with someone on your team on the first day or even the first week of working side-by-side. However, as team members increasingly work alongside each other, everyone feels increasingly assured that their team mates have each others back, as seen when the time inevitably comes that somebody falls short.
You may have heard a popular saying of letting your team mates own their projects. By encouraging this (especially if you are a team leader) it builds confidence and personal pride in that person as they ultimately proudly speak of a job well done.
It also helps a person’s workplace seniors focus on other tasks because they are assured that everyone knows what needs doing and will do it.
It engenders confidence in a team member if they can see that a senior figure at work trusts them to get on and get the job done to their best abilities. Because everyone trusts each other in the team, each person can effectively execute their tasks whilst knowing the next person will be the ultimate professional and help lead the whole team to an excellent overall submission or performance.
Have found out what makes an excellent team? What are your experience of working with colleagues? Let us know your thoughts and experiences by leaving a comment below.
Thanks for this write up. It is as interesting as it is, educating.
In my global experience, I have realised over the years that two-way communication is primary in order for two or more people to achieved a perceived goal. Before you can build a brand, a large percentage of, if not everyone on the team must be aligned.
According to Brian Tracy, “Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance”