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Video: Career Paths in Architecture – Ushang Achu Speaks at Creative Architects


Ushang Achu is a chartered architect with in-depth experience in planning, design and construction of diverse architectural projects. Not only is she exceptional in the delivery of her vocation,  but she is also very passionate about community and human capital development- hence her continuous voluntary involvement in various social impact initiatives, lending her voice, skills and time to foster good causes for humanity.

Know your line of interest

Miss Achu began by narrating experiences a lot of young people can relate to. From being asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” to being told what career options we “should” pursue. She recounts how her father had wanted her to study Medicine and how she went about trying to convince him, with the help of an older sibling, why should be an Architecture major instead.

She went on to explain how it is commonplace for those involved in the field of architecture to either have various lines of interest, find ways to explore them all or decide to focus on a particular niche.

The first piece of advice she shared was this: start owning your decisions, don’t be among people who build the habit of blame-shifting when they are dissatisfied with where they are. She explained how she has often heard young people talk about how they were never really interested in architecture.

She also talked about how towards the end of her time in the university, she had been quite unsure what she really wanted to do. Not wanting to be stuck in other peoples’ definition of who she could be and what she should do, she decided to start “exploring”.  Her window of opportunity was a strike that had taken place about that time- she contacted a Real Estate developer, worked at a 3D visualization studio and did some personal research.

Who you should learn from

She shared the profiles of a few architects the attendees could take a cue from. Some of them had established themselves as authorities in a particular field, others had found ways to explore all their creative interests and business ideas:

Uchechukwu Okolie – Cleec Designs
Adeoluwa Adenuga – Render Like a Pro
Sola Akintunde – Legacy1995
Nnezi Uduma – Arabella Architects
Tosin Oshinowo – cmD+A, Ile Ila
Hassan Anifowose – Chronos Studeos, Chronos Stores, PrintMyDrawings

Closing remarks

1. Become a self expert- understand yourself and harness your “quirky traits”
2. Be willing and receptive- absorb as much knowledge as you can like a sponge.
3. Life is in phases. Embrace the process.
4. Work as hard as you can, no shortcuts.
5. Be fearless. Stop procrastination. Be decisive.

Are you undecided about your interests within the creative industry? Or perhaps you have identified more than one niche you would like to explore and are uncertain how to proceed? This talk is for you!

Watch the FULL VIDEO below to gain a better understanding of the pointers and concepts highlighted above.

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Thank you so much I’ve been following up

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