Moradeke Okurinboye, architect, Chairperson of the Female Architects of Nigeria (FAN) and CEO of Archi Kids Africa shared important lessons she had learned from failing “big time”, many times. She began her presentation began by giving a four-point summary of everything the other speakers had said- sacrifice, vision, integrity and mission.
“It’s only from your failures you learn how strong you are and how far you can go”
Noting how different things were when she was in school and later when she was starting out her career than they are today, she expresses how thankful she is that the present generation recognizes the importance of collaborative work. Arc. Okurinboye explains that there is far more to Architecture than just buildings- a fact many people are unaware of due to the architects’ failure as professionals to “define themselves”.
Points to note
- Make the effort to expand your mind. Meet people, learn from them.
- Learn to be observant. Be able to read between the lines and pick up opportunities.
- Take advantage of the seasons you find yourself in.
- Always try to go a step further.
- Focus on your vision. Write it down with measurable, achievable steps.
- Stretch yourself. Don’t just stick to what you were taught.
These and many others are some of the things Arc. Okurinboye spoke about in her presentation. Watch the video to learn from her unique and insightful short talk.